Affiliate link

This page is just for demonstration purposes. Your users won’t see it on your site. How it works? Each time an affiliate link is clicked (all across the site), user will be redirected to the reseller page. If a user purchases a product, you will get a commission. Win-Win One of the reasons affiliate programs are so […]

This page is just for demonstration purposes. Your users won’t see it on your site.

How it works?

Each time an affiliate link is clicked (all across the site), user will be redirected to the reseller page.
If a user purchases a product, you will get a commission.


One of the reasons affiliate programs are so popular is that that offer a win-win situation for both reseller and affiliate.

Reseller Advantage

The reseller’s cost for advertising a particular product is limited (largely) to the percentage paid to an affiliate, and the reseller only has to pay when a purchase is actually made.

Your Advantage

You don’t have to go to the trouble of setting up e-commerce functions, take credit cards, or ship products; you just join some affiliate programs and let someone else do the “dirty work.”


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