What is credit analysis and how does the process work? Understand!

Through credit analysis, loans are released to customers and with this analysis it is possible to identify the best financial conditions. In this way, the company can establish the minimum purchase, in addition to defining the interest rate and the payment term. What is credit analysis? Analyzing credit … Read more

What does AGE CRED F mean on the Caixa Tem App?

AGE CRED F means that the balance corresponding to the immediate withdrawal of the FGTS will be credited and also contains information about the scheduling date. For any scheduling that the Government launches, the user receives a code. To learn more about this code, follow the article below. What is AGE CRED F? Through … Read more

My Financial Life from the Central Bank – how to check it?

Citizens and companies can use the Central Bank's Minha Vida Financeira to get their financial lives in order. This is a page available at the Central Bank, where citizens can check information about banking institutions, check reports and get tips to avoid scams. What is Minha Vida Financeira … Read more

How to anticipate an Income Tax refund?

The advance payment of the Income Tax Refund is a procedure that can happen. However, for customers to request this advance payment, it is important to be aware of the rules of the institutions. There are several banks and financial institutions that carry out this procedure. What is the Income Tax Refund? This Refund is a common procedure … Read more

Financial education: 7 practical tips!  

If you are in debt, then it is important to learn about financial education. With just a few adjustments to your budget, you can already feel positive signs. Therefore, we will present some tips below that you can apply in your company or at home to improve your budget. How to learn about financial education? Check out 7 … Read more

What is contactless? See how card technology works!

This is a technology that uses encryption to protect customer information. Through Contactless, we can pay by approximation. In other words, without the need to use card machines. There are currently many applications that offer this functionality. What is Contactless? Contactless payment is increasingly common in most establishments… Read more

The 7 Best Financial Education Books, see.

To improve your knowledge about financial education, we have prepared a list of the best financial education books. With these books we can organize our household budget and optimize our company's financial routine. If you enjoy a good read, then check out the tips below. What are the best financial education books? Check out 7 options! … Read more