The new BBB 24 voting dynamics

O BBB 24 It's already started busy and bringing lots of news for fans of the program. One of them is the new voting dynamics of BBB 24.


Now let's clarify once and for all how single votes and fan votes will work.

We are in the first week of the reality show and we have already had a leader test, wall formation, party and elimination. Lots to follow, huh!

Mas o que está deixando dúvidas em muita gente é sobre como votar e de qual forma será a eliminação.

Basicamente, a decisão do participante que será eliminado em cada paredão dependerá tanto dos votos únicos quanto dos votos da torcida.

This is because a weighted average of the results of each type of voting will define the percentage with which the program will maintain or eliminate the participant.

Single votes and crowd votes: understand the difference

No caso do voto único cada pessoa poderá votar apenas uma vez em cada paredão, pois será necessário informar o CPF para conseguir votar.

E esse voto terá um peso maior na decisão final, pois o resultado dos votos únicos terá um peso de 70% no resultado final.

Já no voto da torcida, continua da forma que sempre foi, você poderá votar quantas vezes quiser, sem limite nenhum e não precisará informar o CPF.

Porém, o voto da torcida terá um peso menor, pois representará 30% do resultado final.

Para evitar que torcidas organizadas ou robôs eliminem os participantes, o sistema de votação mudou.

Pois edições anteriores já tiveram muitos problemas e reclamações por conta disso.

Because now with the single vote, we will know who the public really chose to be eliminated, and the famous participant with a huge fan club will not benefit if he is on the wall.

The new BBB 24 voting dynamics and other changes in the reality show

BBB 24's new voting system is one of many innovations that the program brings for its 24th edition.

We also have the largest number of participants in history (26), new mood boards, new dynamics with the leader, the angel and the joker power.

And also the presence of Gil do Vigor (one of the biggest participants in the history of BBB) as commentator and presenter of Mesacast, the program that airs every Tuesday in the early hours of the morning, after the elimination.

There are so many new features that it is difficult to understand everything at once.

BBB 24 promises to be a historic edition, full of surprises, emotions and fun.

And are you ready to follow everything and vote for your favorite?

So, stay tuned to Gshow's news, videos and polls that will keep you up to date with everything that goes on in the most watched house in Brazil.

Thank you for reading this far! To the next!

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