What is Registrato Bacen? How to access and consult the CPF?

You can access the Bacen Registry through your cell phone without any complications. With the help of this service, citizens can obtain information about their financial life. Legal entities can also access the system, and the data is kept confidential in accordance with the LGPD. What is the Bacen Registry? The Registry (Statement … Read more

Step by step to consult BPC using your CPF

If you want to know if the Continuous Benefit Payment has been released, then we will show you how to check BPC in a practical and bureaucracy-free way. To avoid making mistakes when requesting it, it is important to find out what the requirements are to receive this benefit. What is the Continuous Benefit Payment? It is a welfare benefit … Read more

FGTS and INSS: What are they, differences and what are they for?

Both are government benefits, however, the FGTS and the INSS have completely different characteristics and purposes. Therefore, it is necessary to meet the requirements to be entitled to receive the benefits in your account, so we have prepared this short explanatory guide to show you the differences between each benefit. What is the … Read more

Who is entitled to the FGTS and how to redeem the amount?

To have access to the FGTS, it is necessary to be aware of some rules, especially after the Social Security Reform. This benefit is a right of the worker who worked under the CLT regime, in addition, it is also possible to use this extra resource to acquire your own home. Who can receive the FGTS? With the changes in the Social Security Reform … Read more

CadÚnico: how to register, who is entitled and benefits?

Through CadÚnico, families in vulnerable situations can access several benefits offered by the Federal Government. For example, gas assistance. Therefore, in order not to lose your benefits, it is necessary to keep your information always updated. What is CadÚnico? Also known as Cadastro Único, CadÚnico is a system created and … Read more

How do I register for Minha Casa Minha Vida?

The Minha Casa Minha Vida program is a popular housing program that was created during the Lula and Dilma governments. In 2023, the program was reformulated and has new rules. However, if you are interested in financing a property, then be sure to check the information below. Who can apply for … Read more

Application to find out who your ancestors were

Knowing who your ancestors were has always been a curiosity for many people. With the application to find out who your ancestors were, we can now access important information with just a few clicks. This information is useful for obtaining citizenship, for example. What is the application to find out who your ancestors were? Check out 5 options Through the internet, … Read more

Application to listen to free music

If you enjoy listening to music, then we will show you the apps to listen to free music. Some apps have complete features, while others allow you to listen to music even without internet access. To choose the best option, you need to check what features each app offers. 8 best apps to listen to free music in any environment We must remember that not all … Read more

Application to watch TV

With the application to watch TV, you have fun and entertainment in just a few clicks. Nowadays, thanks to IPTV, it is possible to transmit television content thanks to broadband. The signal, in turn, is captured by the IP, and passed on to the user. Below, we will show you the best applications. 6 best applications to watch TV In the past, the … Read more

Application to see your city via satellite

Yes, you can access satellites from your cell phone and see any city in the world in real time. We can also travel without leaving home. Below, we list the application to see your city via satellite. With these applications, you can access a lot of information in just a few clicks. 4 best applications to see your city via satellite If … Read more

Apps to learn to drive

If you are afraid of driving and don’t know where to start, below we will present the most popular apps for learning how to drive. With these apps, any citizen can drive more safely. With the advancement of the internet, we now have apps for various activities. Is it possible to learn how to drive online? Thanks to the internet, you can … Read more

Application to measure pressure

Blood pressure is extremely important for our body and can help detect problems such as hypertension. So, to keep your health up to date, we will show you the best app to measure blood pressure, so you can take care of your health through your cell phone. What is blood pressure? It refers to … Read more