Learn how calculate the age of yours puppy and find out your pet's real age in human years. Complete and easy-to-follow guide!

If you have a dog, you’ve probably heard that one year of a dog’s life is equivalent to seven human years. However, this is just a popular belief.

This idea is actually quite simplistic and does not take into account important factors such as the size and breed of the animal.

Understanding your dog's real age is important to provide appropriate care at each stage of his life.

So for you to find out how many human years are really worth, canine age of your pet, we have prepared this post with tips on applications to convert the dog age and a simple calculation guide.

Read more below.

Why Does Calculating Dog Age Matter?

First of all, knowing your dog's actual age helps you plan the appropriate diet, exercise, and veterinary care.

Dogs at different stages of life have different needs. For example, puppies require a rich diet for development, while senior dogs may require a specific diet to maintain joint and heart health.

Therefore, pay attention to these factors, as they directly influence your dog's health and quality of life.

Dog Age Calculator App

To make the calculation easier, there are some applications that can automatically determine the dog's human age, just enter basic information such as name, breed, dog years and that's it!

Animal Age Calculator

Firstly, the Animal Age Calculator is an easy-to-use app that lets you enter your dog's breed and size to get an accurate estimate of their age in human years.

In addition, it also offers tips on care and health based on the animal's age and covers not only dogs but also cats, horses, hamsters, among others.

My Pet's Age

O My Pet's Age is a comprehensive tool that considers not only age and breed, but also your pet's health history.

The platform works through image recognition and can also identify more than one pet simultaneously, returning its age in years, months, weeks or days.

Dog Age Calculator

The Dog Age Calculator is a dog age converter free that provides data based on your pet's breed.

It not only returns human age but also important information regarding feeding, care and monitoring your dog's development.

Dog Age Chart

You can also use a table that takes into account the dog's size and breed to give you a more accurate estimate of its age in human years.

Here is a simplified table for reference:

Canine ageHuman age
3 months9 years
6 months20 years
9 months26 years old
1 year31 years old
2 years42 years old
3 years49 years old
4 years53 years old 
5 years57 years old 
6 years60 years 
7 years62 years old
8 years64 years old
9 years66 years old
10 years68 years old
11 years69 years old
12 years71 years old 
13 years old72 years old 
14 years old73 years old 
15 years74 years old 
16 years old75 years 
Source: PetLove Blog

Dog Life Expectancy By Breed

But how long does a dog live? Your life expectancy varies depending on your breed, weight and size.

Some popular breeds, such as Chihuahuas, for example, can live up to 20 years, while Labradors live around 10 to 12 years.

German Shepherds usually live an average of 9 to 13 years, while the English Bulldog reaches a maximum of 10 years and the Poodle up to 18 years.

In other words, small dogs tend to live a little longer.


Calculate dog age It's simpler than it seems.

Using apps and charts can help you get a more realistic estimate of your pet's age, allowing you to better care for them at every stage of their life.

Consult your veterinarian whenever necessary and ensure your dog receives the proper care for a long and healthy life.