If you are in debt then it is important to learn about financial education. With just a few adjustments to your budget, you can already feel positive signs.
Therefore, we will present some tips below that you can apply in your company or at home to improve your budget.
How to learn about financial education? Check out 7 practical tips!
To buy a car, apartment, or simply travel, planning is necessary. To apply financial education in practice, just follow the steps below:
1. Learn to save part of your income
Unfortunately, many Brazilians in Brazil do not have the habit of saving. However, it is advisable that you learn to set aside at least 10% of your salary.
For those who have a regular income, it is possible to set aside at least 1/10 to cover emergency expenses.
2. Keep track of your expenses
This type of control can be done with a mobile app. Having a budget spreadsheet is extremely important for financial education.
This way, you can list all expenses to eliminate unnecessary spending.
Expenses within your budget equal (9/10) of your entire income, including freelance and overtime.
Therefore, take care of your bills schedule and avoid interest on late payments.
3. Have other sources of income
With the internet, it is possible to reconcile the CLT with other forms of work, investments are an alternative for those who have a little more understanding.
However, there are many ways to have an extra source of income with the internet.
If your focus is on dealing with investments, it is important to create an investment portfolio and count on the help of a specialist, study the short, medium and long-term objectives.
4. Beware of losses and know how to protect your money
For those who want to enter the investment market, it is extremely necessary to be very careful with high gains, do not trust too much in millionaire solutions, to avoid trouble it is necessary to check information such as: risk, return, liquidity, reputation of the institution.
5. Create a routine to earn, save, invest
To start creating financial reserves, you must learn to earn, save and invest, this becomes a habit for your routine, be careful not to end the month completely empty or in debt, this is a sign that your financial life is not going well.
6. Develop budgets
This procedure is completely valid for individuals and companies, after all, in both cases a budget is necessary, with a good budget we can detect:
- Tracking your expenses;
- What are the areas with the highest concentration of expenditure percentages;
- Where we can make cuts.
7. Choose a financial manager
Nowadays, we can learn about financial education in a natural way, through financial applications. With the help of these applications, we have total control over our assets, and there is also control over income and expenses, all in a single environment.
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Therefore, financial education is a subject that should be mandatory in schools from pre-school onwards, so that children can get used to numbers from a very young age. Nowadays, we can find blogs and free courses to learn more about this topic and ensure good financial health.