To get the Passport Please note that it is necessary to follow a step-by-step guide, in addition to paying the fee, this document is extremely important for anyone who wants to travel abroad.

Below, we will present the information and prices for you to obtain this document from the Federal Police.

What is required to obtain a Passport? Follow the step by step instructions

Whether for adults or children, the process for obtaining a passport is basically the same. Therefore, for those over 18 years of age, this document is valid for 10 years.

See a short step-by-step guide to obtaining the document in 2023:

1. Have the necessary documentation on hand

At the Federal Police we have to present our identity document, CPF, marriage certificate, if applicable, naturalization certificate, old passport, for those who intend to renew, children under 5 years old must go in person, with a recent facial photograph, 5×7, in color, undated and with a white background.

2. Pay attention to the information on the form

The electronic form has 4 screens, where we must enter personal information. After that, fill in the documents, additional data and, finally, confirm the data on the last screen.

After that, you can download the Union Collection Guide (GRU).

3. Value of the issuance fee in 2023

The current value is R$ 257.25, we can pay through Pag Tesouro, PIX or credit card, after making the payment online, you must wait 10 minutes to schedule your appointment, for those who lost their passport, and do not have the Police Report, the theft or robbery fee is R$ 514.5.

4th Appointment with the Federal Police

For payments made at banks and lottery outlets, compensation may take around 24 to 72 hours. After this period, you must access the PF website again within 30 days. We can schedule up to two payments.

There are several service points, mainly in the capitals, and you can find available dates in places such as shopping malls, for example. On the scheduled date, arrive 15 minutes early, with proof of payment and the required documentation.

The passport must be collected within 90 days. If it is not collected within this period, it may be cancelled. For minors, guardians must collect the document.

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How much does an emergency passport cost?

For emergencies, it is possible to withdraw it within 5 days. The passport is used for tourism, extreme emergency situations, the deadline is 24 hours, for this, we must prove emergency travel in the following cases:

● Natural disasters;
● For work situations;
● Interest of Public Administration;
● Travel for health reasons of family members;
● Armed conflicts;
● Humanitarian aid;
● Asset protection.

To issue this document, a fee of R$ 334.42 must be paid, plus an additional R$ 76.17.


So, if you are planning to travel abroad, then follow the above steps and get your passport this year.

Finally, to avoid problems with the Federal Police at airports, have all your documents and tickets in hand, as some countries have very strict rules for foreigners.